Weekly Service Times
Church Services
Sunday 9.30 am Sunday Service
A traditional service with music, preaching on the weekly Bible readings, and a communion where we celebrate being members of the body of Christ. Followed by morning tea.
Wednesday 9.30 am Midweek Eucharist
A relaxed service, where we sit, share communion together, discuss the Bible readings, and share in fellowship with a hot drink.
Prayer Groups
Saturday 8.00 am Prayer Breakfast
(1st Saturday of the month)
Holy Trinity welcomes people from the parishes in Invercargill and Southland to join us for breakfast and prayer in our meeting room. A great opportunity to support one another in our ministries and prayer life, and to enjoy fellowship over food.
Social Groups
Wednesday 2.00pm The Green Scene: Social Time
(3rd Wednesday of the month)
Each month the Green Scene goes to a different cafe to have a coffee, a cake, and to talk and make new friends. No structure, just food and chat with a friendly group.
Our church is open every day from 9am until 5pm, as a place for prayer and quiet reflection. Please come in and worship at any time.
You are always welcome at Holy Trinity